General Information

As a member of our unique Club, you are expected to fulfil certain obligations in terms of our Rules and Regulations as set out in our Constitution and our Rules of Play. The following thoughts are intended to refresh your memory regarding your commitment to the Organisation.

Brief History of Nomads

  • Shortly after World War II Michael Florance formed the New Union Merchant Industrial Corporation (NUMIC) Social and Sporting Club.
  • In 1960, shortly after the Ben Hogan Movie “Follow the Sun”, Mike Florance and his committee announced the “Follow the Sun” Nomads Golf Club.
  • The first monthly meeting was scheduled for the first Saturday in May at the Glendower Golf Club. The meeting was washed out.
  • Rain also disrupted the second attempt at Parkview.
  • The first complete official Nomads meeting took place at Irene Golf Club.
  • The other clubs followed. To date there are 12 clubs in South Africa with 3 clubs in Zimbabwe and 1 club in Botswana. Nomads have also been established in New Zealand in 1997 and Australia in 2004.
  • Our Club was established in 1963 and our first Captain was Noel Thompson.
  • The first National Tournament was held in 1966.
  • A National Executive Committee was established in 1967. Anthony Handley was the first National Chairman.
  • The Club and its systems continued to develop until mid 1970 when a major dispute arose over operating expenses. The result was that Michael Florance was asked to leave the club he had founded.

Aims and Objectives of Nomads

  • Provide an opportunity for persons in all walks of life to meet one another at least once a month, to play a game of golf and to make new and cement old friendships.
  • To encourage, promote, foster and support the game of golf.
  • To generate funds for distribution to charitable causes and assist those persons, regardless of race, colour or creed, in a less fortunate position than ourselves.
  • To have fun!!!

Monthly Golfing Meetings

The pre-requisite is that you shall be and remain a Member of a recognised Golf Club affiliated to a Golf Union recognised by the Amateur Golf Council of the P.G.A. and you must participate in at least six-monthly meetings during the calendar year. All these meetings are normally played on a weekday in order not to clash with weekend club games.

  • Dates and venues are provided in the Diary on the Gauteng Website at the beginning of year.
  • Dress Codes
    • Playing dress – White shirt with Nomads Logo above your badge name MUST be embroidered.
    • Prize giving dress – Navy blue trousers, Navy blue blaser with Nomads Logo on breast pocket, Nomads tie and black shoes.
  • Report to Pink Ladies to register your presence, get your score card and confirm your club handicap at least 30 minutes before your tee off time.
  • Match Secretary will require current club handicap and any monies due for the days game.
  • Other Pink Ladies sell tickets for various draws, etc.
  • Payment and entry for future games is recommended and to be paid at table. Playing fees can also be paid upfront at a discounted rate.
  • Refer any queries at registration to Match Secretary.
  • Report to Starter Controller on arrival and to starters on 1st and 10th tees as soon as possible after registration. At least 10 minutes before tee-off time.
  • Meet other members of your fourball and swop cards.
  • Tee-off in same order as that shown on the starter sheet.
  • First name on starters sheet is Captain of fourball.
  • The captain is responsible for:
    • Speeding-up play during the round – i.e. avoid slow play.
    • Collect score cards from each player at end of round and check that each card is signed by player and marker.
    • Collect R10.00 from player with lowest score.
    • Hand all of above to Pink Ladies at registration table as soon as possible after the game. (before showering).
  • Format of all Nomads games is 4 ball individual medal stableford.
  • No assistance is allowed from another player during play i.r.o. club selection, line of putt etc.
  • “Call Through” rule applies on short holes.
  • Continuous putting rule applies at all Nomads games.
  • Only player and caddy may look for suspected lost balls. (Speed-up play).
  • Check and sign score cards at end of game.
  • Sit with your fourball at prize giving.
  • Wives/Partners are welcome at prize giving functions. They are not permitted to accompany you on the course at any meeting.

Late Arrivals, Cancellations and “No Shows”

  • A player who arrives late may have to walk a few holes to catch-up with his fourball.
  • The scores for these holes are zero which not only affect the individual score but also playing pair, playing fourball, drawn fourball and various tournaments during the year.
  • Cancellations must be made as early as possible i.e. Friday before Tuesday game will not be seen as a late cancellation. Cancellations after this time will be charged for.
  • Cancellations on the day may result in disciplinary action.
  • “No shows” on the day is treated very seriously and may result in suspension of 2 games.
  • The Match Secretary reports on all above cases at next committee meeting and the necessary disciplinary action follows.

Gold Cup and Competitions during the Year

  • Gold Cup is played inside the last monthly game of the year.
  • The qualification for Gold Cup qualification is winning, or being counted out as a winner, of a division during the year.
  • A Gold Cup Trophy is presented to the winners in each division.
  • “Champion of Champions” Trophy is for best golfer during the year.
  • “Best Worst Golfer” is for those having won the Matchbox during the year.
  • “Over Fifty-Five” Trophy is for members who are 55 years and over and who have won this competition during the year.
  • Cox Trophy for best total points EXCLUDING handicap in playing year.
  • “John Handley” Trophy for best of 3 of the Feb, May, Aug and Nov games.
  • “Eclectic” Trophy for best eclectic score during the year including Gold Cup.
  • “Gary Player” Knockout Trophy:
    • Played during the year on a knock-out basis.
    • Choose own partners at beginning of the year and pay an entry fee.
    • Can assist one another except if played in normal monthly game.
    • First round knockouts go to Plate event.
    • Rounds to be played outside normal monthly games wherever possible.
    • Finals played on Gold Cup Day.
  • “Andrew Mentis” Competition is based on the highest aggregate score of a members five best rounds.
  • “Rutherford” Trophy total of best 8(eight) scores during playing year including Gold Cup.

Away Games and Special Events

  • Langham Edward and Tropicana Trophy's played in Durban 1st weekend in July.
  • Quadrangular Tournament played in White River and Nelspruit Between Gauteng, Northerns, Easterns and Lowveld Nomads Clubs.
  • Mystery Tour, a one-day trip to a course, usually at a lodge or resort, selected by the committee.
  • Seaboard Trophy played in the Garden Route early August.
  • Anniversary games at other clubs celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20 etc. years.
  • National Tournaments:
    • South African Nationals.
    • Zimbabwe Nationals.
    • Botswana Nationals.
    • Australia Nationals
    • Zambia Nationals
    • UK Nationals

Andrew Mentis Endowment Fund

  • The fund was started by Andrew Mentis, a Nomad Founder Member in 1967 in Gauteng.
  • Andrew Mentis still contributes personally to the fund every year.
  • Each club forms a sub-committee, which is chaired by the Vice Captain.
  • Monies raised are donated to a pre-selected charity in the form of tangible assets on which the Nomads emblem is displayed.
  • Culmination of activities and handover to Charity takes place at our yearly Andrew Mentis golf day which is also open to the public by invitation.
  • Nationally Andrew Mentis Endowment Fund has raised and donated in excess of R35 million to charities.

Nomads Tickets

  • This is included with the Junior Vice-Captains Portfolio.
  • Each member is issued with, and expected to sell, a minimum of 1 book of 5 tickets at R20,00 per ticket.
  • Each Club uses proceeds for the Furtherance of Golf.
  • Donations are made to Golf Clubs, Junior Golf, Ladies Golf etc.

Prize Giving

  • The Club Altar is on display at every official Nomads game.
  • Each player is expected to stay. If unable to stay, apologise to Captain and pay early leaver fine to Pink Ladies.
  • Early leavers names are recorded for measuring commitment.
  • Dress – Navy/Black blazer with Nomad pocket badge, gongs and name badge, tie, white lounge shirt with navy or black long trousers. Must be worn at prize giving.
  • Procedure of formalities:
    • Vice-Captain introduces Captain after “Jackets-on” announcement.
    • Captain will hand back to Vice Captain to read out prize winners.
    • A lighthearted fines session is held, followed by lucky draw and acknowledgment of sponsors.
    • Vice-Captain hands back to Captain who closes off the meeting.

Overall Responsibility and Commitments of Members

  • Read Constitution.
  • Participate in all 12 monthly games. If your commitment to participate in not less than half of the games scheduled in any one calendar year is not met the Executive Committee may bar you from being a Full Member.
  • It is expected of you to notify the Executive Committee of absences due to health, overseas travel, etc. in writing.
  • Any Member who, due to unforeseen changes in circumstances, clearly sees himself unable to meet his minimum requirements of 6 monthly games, may apply to the Executive Committee to change his membership status to that of Associate Member.  Such membership will not automatically be accorded.
  • Attend special events and away games.
  • Comply with dress code both on and off the course.
  • Respect Nomads uniform and behave accordingly.
  • Attend prize giving functions.
  • Attend AGM which is held in November each year.
  • Aim for Nationals participation. (Enquire regarding qualifying norms.)
  • Pay subscriptions and accounts timeously.
  • Enter monthly games early – paying up front is easier.
  • Read our monthly Newsletter.
  • Advertise in Newsletter or become a sponsor.
  • Sell Tickets.
  • Participate in all Andrew Mentis Fundraising activities.
  • Respect host clubs' rules, etc.
  • Support sponsors – National, Regional including Newsletter sponsors.
  • Participate in Golforama activities. (See particulars below)
  • Visit our Nomads website:
  • Do not let your fellow Nomads down.
  • Two make up games with other Nomads clubs are allowed in playing year if you are in danger of not fulfilling, you're playing commitment of a minimum of 6 monthly games.
  • Advise any changes of address, home club, e-mail, telephone numbers, etc.


  • Nomads Handicapping System:
    • 25 or less points – get 2 shots
    • 26 – 27 points – get 1 shot
    • 28 – 32 points – no change
    • 33 – 34 points – cut 1 shot
    • 35 – 36 points – cut 2 shots
    • 37 – 38 points – cut 3 shots
    • 38 – 40 points – cut 4 shots, etc.
  • All Nomads handicaps are automatically adjusted after each game.

Future Recognition

  • Ties – 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, 20 year etc.
  • Badges – 100, 200, 250, 300, 350 etc. games


Golforama assists with the scoring for most Professional Golf Tournaments in South Africa, mainly the Sunshine Tour events which run from late November to early March each year. The tournaments are orchestrated by the S.A. TOUR who in turn pays Golforama for its services.

Philosophy and Principals

  • Golforama is paid a fee, for its services, to be expended primarily on projects for the furtherance of golf.
  • The Golforama Body is a non-profit organisation, generating income from using volunteers to provide a score information service to the game of golf.
  • The very existence of Golforama is based on the fact that the basic commitment of every Nomad includes Golforama duties.
  • Golforama in return provides huge exposure for the Nomads Golf Club which deservedly enhances the image and reputation of this great club for the benefit of all its members.
  • Provides an opportunity for all Nomads to offer their services at the prestigious tournaments around the country during which they may see some of the best professional and amateur golfers in action.
  • Promote and encourage existing camaraderie and good fellowship amongst Nomads in a friendly and enjoyable environment.
  • Offer and maintain a professional service at each event with a cohesive group of volunteers committed to their duties.
  • Compensate volunteers fairly for real “out of pocket” expenses incurred whilst performing their duties.


Nomads do not have a course or club house of their own, and we are therefore dependent upon the generosity of various Golf Clubs in the area in extending to us their facilities and their Golf Course.
Over the years, Nomads have built up a name to be proud of and therefore Members should at all times be conscious of their dress and behavior, both on and off the course. It must always be remembered that we are guests of the Clubs where we play.
In closing:
Enjoy Nomads and be proud of the Organisation.
Have fun.
Get to know the other members. Get involved i.e. sponsorships, committees, Golforama, etc.
Read the Constitution and Rules of Play.
The “monthly game” includes golf and attendance at prize giving function.