Seaboard Weekend Tournament:



The Seaboard Trophy was started in 1973 by Joss Hamilton (HLM) and the Late Fred Cornell as an inter-club match between Western Province and Eastern Cape. It was originally intended to include Natal-hence the name-Seaboard. It was convenient at the time to stage it on Republic Day weekend - 31 May. However the event has now grown to such proportions with five Clubs competing, that is second only to the National Tournament in Scope and




1.  The tournament is to be played between the Nomads clubs of Western Province, Eastern Cape, Border, Southern Cape and Boland.


2.  To be eligible for the Seaboard Trophy, a team must consist of at least 20 players.  A penalty of 0 (zero) points will be allocated to each player falling

     short of the compulsory 20 players. For example, if a Province only manages 15 players, zero points will be allocated to 5 players falling short.


3.  The field will be limited to a maximum of 140, with 4 dignitaries as extras. Each team will have a maximum of 28 players. Should any team not be able

     to fulfil their quota of 28 players the available positions will be allocated to the other Clubs on a rotational basis.  Should any Club have a withdrawal

     within a week of the Tournament, the Host Club (Southern Cape) will fill the vacancy, followed by Visiting Nomads and Guests.


4.  The Tournament will only be open to full members who are in good standing of the five Nomads Clubs.  Players who are not members of the five

     participating clubs i.e. Guests, Visiting Nomads will only qualify to play if all the entries of the five Clubs have been exhausted and there are still

     positions open. They will, however, not have their scores counted in the Seaboard Trophy but will be eligible for the divisional and other prizes. This will

     also be the case for the four dignitaries.



1.  The Tournament will be organized by the Southern Cape Nomads Club on behalf of the other Clubs.


2.  The Tournament will be played at a venue to be suggested by Southern Cape Vice Captain but agreed to by the Vice Captains of the other four Clubs.

     It is suggested that the courses in the Southern Cape be used in rotation. The venue and dates for the Tournament will be discussed and agreed to at a

     meeting of the five Vice Captains on the morning before the Seaboard Trophy game.  The venue will be circulated by the SC NC to all Captains of the

     five Clubs immediately after the game to be minuted at their next Committee meeting.  The only reason this venue may change is because of the

     availability of golf courses for the SC monthly game following the Seaboard Trophy. This can only happen with the consent of the other four Vice

     Captains.  It is the responsibility of the SC JVC to book the respective courses within two weeks of the decision being made.


3.  It was decided that the date of the Tournament will always be the long weekend in August.


4.  The Tournament will be coordinated by the Southern Cape Junior Vice-Captain. The JVC's of the other four Clubs will act as local coordinator for his

     team. These JVC's may be assisted by their Away Games Officer but are primarily responsible.


5.  The SC JVC and the five Captains will all receive a plaque / gift. The funding for this must not come from the proceeds of the Tournament. All five Clubs

     must contribute equally to these presentations.


6.  The prize sheet will consist only of the Divisional Winners and Runners Up, Closest to the pins and a Match Box. SC must endeavor to find a Sponsor for

     these prizes. If no Sponsor can be sourced, all four Clubs must contribute equally towards these prizes, and it must not come from the proceeds of the




1.  The Tournament will be played in the recognized Nomads format of Medal Stableford off current Nomads handicaps - with handicaps being adjusted on

     the previous Nomads home game.


2.  The winning team will be that having the highest average scores posted, with the Trophy being shared in the event of a tie. Normal individual Nomads

     competitions will be played in three divisions in conjunction with the Trophy event.

3.  The draw should be organized so that the three Captains involved in the prize-giving be accompanied by any dignitary invited. Vice-Captains and Junior

     Vice-Captains be drawn together, where possible, and any of the other dignitaries should be drawn with other senior members of the Clubs. The draw

     for the Seaboard Trophy must reach the participating Clubs in time for them to circulate to their members.  Special request regarding the draw will be

     entertained but we must always strive to have four different Provinces in a four ball.


    4.  The prize-giving rostrum is to be shared by the Captains of the participating Clubs in the following manner:

         a) The Southern Cape Captain will open and close the proceedings, including announcing the winner of the Seaboard Trophy.

         b) The Captains of the other four participating Clubs will share the duties of:

             i) Prize-giving

             ii) Announcing the prize winners

             iii) Fines.


    No profit from the game should accrue to the home club. The profits for the game should be estimated by the local treasurer, and proceeds will be distributed to the furtherance of golf in the Southern Cape area, in a manner agreed to by all the Captains (the opinion of the Southern Cape Captain in this regard should be carefully considered as he most aware of the needs in the area.)