Andrew Mentis Endowment Fund

Andrew Mentis, a founder member of the Nomads Golf Club decided back in 1967 to start an annual fundraising drive, the proceeds of which would be distributed to a charity chosen by the Vice Captain of each club at the beginning of his term as Vice Captain.

As the Nomads Club has grown over the years, Andrew has continued to donate an annual amount, increasing periodically to offset the effects of inflation, to the point where his company is now donating R40 000 each year which is distributed equally amongst the twelve South African Clubs.

A number of years ago Andrew Mentis approached the National Executive to advise that he wished to donate an amount of R1,250 000 to ensure the continuity of this annual contribution ad infinitum after his passing.

This really was an amazing gesture on his part and as a result, the beneficiaries of the Nomads charities will continue to benefit enormously long after his passing.  This large sum of money has been invested which will enable an even larger amount to be distributed to the Clubs annually whilst at the same time increasing the Capital amount to account for inflation.

Andrew will remain a legend in our club thanks to his foresight and generosity which over all these years has contributed in a huge way to ensure that many individuals and families have benefited from the Andrew Mentis Endowment Fund in one way or another.

During the course of this Financial year, it looks as though we will break through the R40,000 000 mark in terms of funds collected since inception. However the average annual amount collected of late is around two million rand which is a serious contribution annually to those less fortunate than ourselves.

There are also great opportunities available for Businesses to utilise our structures to achieve their social programmes as we can manage and distribute donations on their behalves to deserving Institutions.  It is encouraged that the Vice Captains talk to business owners and accountants in their ranks to try and get Companies to channel either their BBB-EE spend or general donations through the Andrew Mentis Nomads Foundation NPC which is authorised to issue Section 18A Certificates which companies can use to claim their donations for Income Tax purposes.

The structure of the Andrew Mentis fund is now as follows;

The Andrew mentis Nomads Foundation NPC is a non profit company that is registered with SARS and is the legal entity through which tax deductible certificates can be issued.

Each Club has an Andrew Mentis Endowment Fund which is operated at Club level and has to be reported on and audited as part and parcel of each Clubs Annual Financial Statements on an annual basis.

Andrew Mentis 2022

Organizer - Peter Leibbrandt


Epilepsy SA South Cape/Karoo



R100 000

Peter Leibbrandt, initiated a building project to renovate three flats on the campus of Epilepsy SA South Cape/Karoo in Knysna during his year as Vice Captain.


R100 000 was donated to Epilepsy SA South Cape/Karoo from his Andrew Mentis fund to cover the renovation costs of the first flat.  The first flat was completed in October 2022 and as a result of two more generous donations, the second and third flats were completed in May and June 2023.  A plaque handover ceremony was held for all three flats at the recently held AGM of Epilepsy SA in Knysna.  The three flats are being used for staff accommodation and the rental received provides a permanent source of income to this well deserving organisation.


2022 Southern Cape Nomads Captain, Peter Leibbrandt is seen handing over a plaque, on behalf of Southern Cape Nomads, to Liz Beard of Epilepsy SA, who coordinated the building project.  It is wonderful to witness how Nomads, through the Andrew Mentis Fund, continually strives to make a difference to the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.

Andrew Mentis 2023

Organizer - Tjoepie Pretorius


Môreson ACVV Kinder- en Jeugsorgsentrum



R120 000

Andrew Mentis 2024

Organizer - Nick Nieman


EMMAÜS George 



R150 000

Andrew Mentis 2025

Organizer - Fanus Truter and AMEF Committee


Eljada Centre



R170 000

Eljada Care is a registered residential care facility to provide full-time care for one hundred adults with intellectual disabilities.  They offer a holistic development and care program where they receive loving care and support and also accommodate day care clients who live in the community during weekdays.

Service delivery at Eljada Care focuses on promoting and maintaining the full potential of persons with intellectual disabilities.  They strive to provide support so that clients can be independent and full members of the community.  It is therefore important that they remain an integral part of the community.  Learning manual skills is an essential part of the Development Programme.  The live-in/day care clients can thereby exercise their creativity and be intellectually stimulated and at the same time their self-esteem is improved.  Eljada Care is a dormitory-type facility, located in Upper Victoria Street on the North-East side of Oudtshoorn. They are approximately 4km from the town center and festival grounds.

Eljada Care is a program of the larger Badisa group.  They are a registered, non-profit organization, as well as a Public Welfare Organization (PBO 930 006 348).

Repainting of the building, water tanks, biometric systems, mattresses, medical equipment and a micro greens project for them to generate an income is just some of the items that would generate from the funds.